Facebook Developer Garage: High time we had one in Manila

While scanning through videos covering the recent FOWA (the Future of Web Apps) 2009 in London, I chanced on this reportage of a “Facebook Developer Garage” event held somewhere in the vicinity of the conference. It would be cool to have something like this in Metro Manila.

What attracted it to me was:

1. I’ve become interested in Facebook as a marketing and apps platform, and a networking opportunity for Facebook dev geeks like this would be very appealing.

2. It really did look like it was held in a garage.

The regular Roofcamp sessions held by Jay Fajardo of ProudCloud are supposed to approximate this “unconference” vibe. I’ve been meaning to drop by one of these soon – the only thing that holds me back is that Jay holds these at his place all the way in Calle Industria in Pasig. But someday.

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